Deferred members

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Log into your DB account

If you’ve left the Scheme and haven’t yet retired, you’re a ‘deferred’ member. Neither you nor the Company will still be contributing to the pension scheme. 

Please select from the options below to find out more.

Your deferred benefits

Your deferred benefits will be payable from your normal pension age and are calculated using your pensionable service and pensionable salary at your date of leaving the Company.

If you’d like to know more about taking your pension benefits please contact the Scheme administrator, Railpen.

Update your details

Please remember to update your details by logging into your online account or contacting the pension administrator if your address or personal circumstances change, so we can continue to get in touch with you.

Expression of wish for deferred members

If you die before you claim your Scheme benefits (or within 5 years of taking them), a lump sum may be paid to your beneficiaries.

Find out more on the expression of wish page.

Transferring your deferred benefits

You may transfer your deferred benefits to another UK pension arrangement or an approved overseas arrangement. 

However, please be wary of any cold calls about transferring your pension – these are illegal.

You can learn more about pension fraud and the warning signs on the pension scams page

If you'd like more information about transferring your deferred benefits, contact the pension administrator, Railpen

Protect your pension

Don't be caught out by a pension scam! Make sure you know the warning signs before agreeing to any transfers.