The Group Trustee is Electricity North West (ESPS) Pensions Trustees Limited. The individual members of the corporate Trustee are called Directors and collectively they form the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the Trustee includes representatives from the Company and the membership.
Anything affecting the Scheme as a whole is considered by the Board, including:
The Trustee is helped in its duties by a number of professional advisers who are formally appointed. All adviser appointments are reviewed on a regular basis, at least every three years.
Member-elected Trustee
Chris was appointed in February 2011. Chris is a Protection Engineer, based at Oldham.Member-elected Trustee
Mike was appointed in January 2017. Mike retired from Electricity North West in 2015 after over 30 years with the Company.Company-appointed Trustee
Irina was appointed in November 2020. Irina is Head of Financial Control.Member-elected Trustee
John was appointed in December 2007 when the Group was first set up. John retired from Electricity North West in 2011 after 42 years with the company.Representing PAN Trustees UK LLP - Company-appointed Trustee
Mike represents PAN Trustees UK LLP and has been a Company-appointed Trustee since November 2018. Mike is an independent trustee and took over as Chair in April 2023. He has 30 years' experience in pensions.Member-elected Trustee
Ken was appointed in March 2021. Ken retired from Electricity North West in 2022 after over 40 years with the Company.Company-appointed Trustee
Joe was appointed in January 2024. Joe is Head of Treasury and Corporate Finance.