People who joined the pension scheme before April 2006 are likely to be members of the defined benefit section of the Electricity North West Group of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme.
People who joined after April 2006 are likely to be members of the LifeSight Master Trust.
An error at the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) means that married women who paid a lower rate of National Insurance (NI) contributions before 1977 (known as the “small stamp”) may be due a top-up to their State Pension. The DWP says
it first became aware of the issue last year. Where underpayments are identified, the DWP will contact the person to inform them of the changes to their State Pension amount and of any arrears payment they will receive but you may still want to check
with them if you think you’re affected.
LCP, the company that first brought this issue to the DWP’s attention, has created a free online calculator that you can use to see if this might apply to you. You can find it here:
If you want to contact the DWP’s Pension Services directly, you can here:
Or call them on 0800 731 0469 (press option four, then option two).